March 27, 2022 March 30, 2022

Did you ever go to a church summer camp as a teenager? Remember the fun of getting to know one another?
Remember making communal meals? Remember working on a mission project together? Well, as an adult, you
can have a similar experience by joining Pastor Scott on the annual ECHO Mission Trip to North Fort Myers.
ECHO has its headquarters there with an experimental farm, gift shop, and nursery on site. ECHO’s online
library of agricultural resources is made available to missionaries at no charge. The plan is to leave from the
church around 3:00pm on Sunday March 27. Monday morning is reserved for a weekly worship service with the
staff, student interns, and any other volunteers. After worship we usually get a walking tour of the farm with a
focus on any new areas or projects. After lunch actual work begins, maybe planting, weeding, chopping,
mulching or working in the office. We will return Wednesday evening, March 30. This is a wonderful way to
participate in a local mission trip which could have global impact!

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