Growing Team
“Growing with each other in the stories of our faith and its implications for life together.”
The Growing Team has been given the task of helping guide and direct the spiritual growth of all individuals at Good Shepherd by providing meaningful programs and events that nurture one’s faith and relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. There are a variety of ways that each individual and/or family can be involved and stay involved. Sunday School classes are available for all age groups beginning with our nursery and toddler class through the adult classes. To see what the current study is you can look on the front page of the website or check our social media channels. There is an active youth group (grades 6-12), and an adult study group. The Adult Ministry falls under the Growing Team. The nursery has been reopened following CDC guidelines. We enjoy the five distinct areas in the life of the church where this team takes a very active part. They are the Easter Egg Hunt, Ladies Tea, Vacation Bible School, Rally Day Sunday, and the Charles Dickens’ Dinner. The Growing Team would love to have you join this team. Please pray about it and contact the office for further information.