October 20, 2022
Senior Seminar
On Important Issues
Are You Prepared for the Rest of Your Life?
Good Shepherd is sponsoring for the 8th year a Bring your own Bag Lunch and Drink (Dessert provided) and
talks from representatives of the following groups: Elder Care Lawyer and Florida Department of Elder
Affairs –SHINE- talking about health insurance updates and how to get help picking out a policy. SHINE
is a volunteer group helping Seniors sponsored by the State of Florida. In addition, we will have Seniors
Helping Seniors, Aging Matters, and resources for Aging. This event does not sell anything. It is strictly
This Big Event will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 12noon-2pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Please let all your neighbors and friends know as this happens before Open Enrollment.
Please RSVP by Oct. 19 to Diane Lowry, or the Church Office-723-3994. All ages will learn something
useful from this event to take back to their families.
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