Presbyterian Church of the Good Shepherd

Calendar of Events

810 West Florida Ave, Melbourne, FL  32901

You may click on any event discription to get more information.

Week of Mar 23rd

  • Choir Rehearsal

    Choir Rehearsal

    March 17, 2024

    Sunday School

    Sunday School

    March 17, 2024

    Youth Group

    Youth Group

    March 17, 2024

    Youth Group Meeting -

  • Session Meeting

    Session Meeting

    March 20, 2024

  • PCOGS spring cleaning

    PCOGS spring cleaning

    March 23, 2024

    A tentative date has been set for a PCOGS spring cleaning inside and outside on
    23 March at 9 AM! A signup sheet will be posted soon. After the work is done we plan to burn some burgers
    and dogs for a little fellowship! More later!