Food Distribution

February 5, 2022

Help with the 2nd Annual PCOGS Food Distribution Day on Saturday, February 4 and Preparation
During the Week Prior: Based upon the success of last year’s Food Distribution Day, we are gearing up for
this year’s event. We will be picking up the food from Daily Bread that was collected during November’s Boy
Scout Food Drive and there is a way for everyone to help to ease hunger in our community. Below is a list of
needed supplies and a timeline of activities and volunteers needed to support this event. Drop items at the
church or contact (or text/call 617-413-4802) to volunteer or with questions.
 Donated Supplies (may be dropped off at the church office ahead of time):
Plastic grocery bags, Bottled water, volunteer snacks: energy bars, baked goods, fruit, raisins, etc.
 Supplies to Loan (please mark with your name/cell#):
Canopy Tent, Traffic vests, Walkie-talkies, Wagon, Dry erase boards, Canopy, Golf cart, Portable speaker,
Collapsible crates, Clickers to count cars
 Critical Dates and Volunteer Needs
    Sunday, January 30: Please wear comfortable clothes…we are asking everyone to help after worship.
      ~10 a.m., following CAYA: Volunteers to reset the Fellowship Hall for food sorting.
      ~12 Noon, following Sanctuary Worship: Volunteers to offload food to Fellowship Hall
    1-5 p.m. on Monday, January 31: Volunteers to sort and/or bag food (can come and go as needed),
Team Lead Melanie Parker
    9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 2: Volunteers to sort and/or bag food (can come and go as
needed), Team Leads Melanie and Mike Carnes, Ron Smellie
Additional Dates/Times may be added, if needed
    8 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 5: Work will be socially distanced and no to low-contact
(passengers remain in cars). Jobs include set-up, traffic control, counting cars, greeting drivers,
putting food into trunks, and clean-up. Disposable gloves will be provided. We are still requesting these
items, which can be dropped off to fellowship hall before Saturday.
Please email/call/text Melanie Parker (617-413-4802) for more info.

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